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Welcome to the personal blog of Winton Nathan-Roberts, a full-stack developer with a passion for innovation. Here, I share fascinating insights, lessons learned, and updates on my latest projects.

Currently, I'm developing a low-friction wallet solution for Algorand that enables users to access an application-specific wallet using a familiar OpenID Connect auth flow, leveraging ZK-SNARKs to ensure private information remains off-chain. Given that it is R&D-intensive, you can expect it to be subject to change as the project evolves.

When I'm not immersed in the world of blockchain, you'll find me exploring the exciting realm of game development, savoring a delightful craft beer at a local pub, or embarking on adventures around the globe.

Join me on this captivating journey as I share my experiences, challenges, and valuable knowledge gained from the intersection of blockchain technology, game development, and world travel!

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